Hundreds Chart

Hundreds Chart
Can you count all the way to one hundred? If you practice with this online hundreds chart, you’ll soon be able to!
Click on a color to fill in squares on the hundreds chart. This way, you can skip count or show base 5 and base 10 patterns. Or, simply practice counting as a class and keep track of where you are by coloring in the squares as you go. Or, blackout numbers with the color black. That way, you can ask students which numbers are missing. Clear the board by pressing the “clear” button. Press “hide” to hide all of the numbers and have a blank board. Show the numbers from bottom to top by pressing “Up”.
The online hundreds chart offers a fun way to learn numbers and practice operations including addition, subtraction, and multiplication. You can even use the chart in combination with our printable hundreds charts! Here are a few activities to try:
- Black out some numbers on the chart on the board and have children fill in the missing numbers on their printed charts.
- Ask children to identify where numbers belong on a blank hundreds chart.
- Ask children to use a hundreds chart to model addition, multiplication, or subtraction problems
- Ask children to skip count, using the hundreds chart as a reference
The online hundreds chart makes working with numbers up to one hundred fun and exciting. Visit for hundreds chart activities and printables.