Classroom Timer

Classroom Timer
Have the time of your life with this classroom timer! Watch your students either gnaw on their fingernails or count down to zero excitedly and cheer as the timer rings. It all depends on the use you’ll give the online classroom timer.
What is a Classroom Timer?
A classroom timer or online timer helps teachers and students keep track of time. Giving a visual that shows the time lapsed and time remaining, a classroom timer helps students manage their time. The classroom timer can be programmed for the amount of time you need, making it a versatile and useful tool.
How to Use the Classroom Timer
Project the classroom timer on your board or have students use it on smaller devices for small group or individual work. To use it, simply enter the time using the numbers. Then, select your preferred shape, which will show up as a clock. Students love the shapes, which adds an element of fun to the timer. If you make a mistake, simply press “clear.” Once you’re ready, press the green “set” button. Next, press the green “start” button to make the online timer start. You can toggle the sound to “loud” or “soft” using the button in the top left-hand corner. Opt for a silent timer by pressing the “volume” symbol. Once your timer goes off, you can reset it by pressing “reset.”
Tips for Using the Classroom Timer
Watching the classroom timer can help students learn time management skills! A classroom timer can also be a great tool for classroom management. Here are some suggestions for making the most of this classroom-friendly online timer:
Quizzes: When you have a timed activity such as a test or quiz, students may have a hard time estimating how much time they have left to work. Solve that problem by setting up the classroom timer. That way, they can watch the shape slowly fill.
Timed Centers: Time your centers with the classroom timer. That way, students can hear the timer and quickly clean up and move on to the next center.
Games: There are many fun games to play using the online timer. For example, which team can build the tallest tower using paperclips and paper in just 2 minutes? Or, play classic games like hot potato or musical chairs using the classroom timer. For these classic games, you’d have to hide the timer and let it ring unexpectedly!
Free-Time: When students earn a bit of free time or the chance to enjoy their favorite centers, no one wants to be the bad guy and say “Time to clean up!” So, leave that job to the classroom timer! When the timer rings, students will know that it’s time to clean up and move on to the next activity.
Clean-up: Challenge your students to complete clean-up and organization tasks even faster than last time…can they beat the timer? You can also use the online timer to give students a goal for transitions such as cleaning up and lining up for lunch or starting a new activity.
Brain Break: Everyone needs a break sometimes! Give students a several-minute “brain break” that’s timed by the classroom timer. During this time, students can do jumping jacks, dance to a song, try some yoga, or something else.
We hope you enjoy using the online timer. It can be an excellent teacher’s assistant that reminds you of the time and even improves student attitudes. Check out our other excellent teacher tools!