Addition Flash Cards

Addition Flash Cards
With these addition flash cards, your students will soon know their addition facts by heart! They are fun, engaging, and adaptable to different stages of learning.
How do the addition flash cards work?
First, select the option that best meets your needs. The “number line” option will model the addition problem using a number line, while the “ten-frame” option models the problem using a ten-frame. The “numbers” option provides only an addition equation with no visual model.
Students need to choose the correct answer from five possible choices. Press the “options” button in the top left-hand corner to return to the main menu. As students work through the problems, they can watch their scores at the top of the page.
Challenge students to get their best personal score!
You can use the addition flash cards for a wide range of lessons. You can even play a game with the whole class by projecting the flash cards onto a screen. Then, invite students to write their answers on individual whiteboards that they can then hold up to show you.
Once your students have mastered their addition facts, they will be ready for addition with multiple digits, subtraction, multiplication, complex word problems, and more!
Visit for more printables and games related to addition.