
This online angle creator allows students to explore and view four different angles at once. The tool is great for teaching children about the degrees of an angle and nomenclature of angles such as obtuse and acute.
To use the interactive online angle tool, click and drag any of the points. This will change all of the angles at once. Each angle is represented by a different color to make them easy to differentiate. Students will quickly realize that the opposite angles are always the same.
Teachers can use the interactive online angle tool for individual or whole class work, by projecting it on a smartboard. Here are a few ways to use the tool:
- Ask students to name adjacent angles by saying the colors of the angles.
- Ask students to name opposite angles by saying the colors of the angles.
- Ask students to add adjacent or opposite angles to get the sum
- Ask students to form ninety degree angles or angles of other measurements using the tool.
- Ask students to solve for the unknown angle if the adjacent or opposite angle is X. Then, have them check their answer using the interactive online angle tool.
To learn more about angles, explore printables on For more interactives on geometry visit