
Have you ever dreamed of creating your own solar system? Now, you can! This interactive online solar system creator allows you to dream up planets, moons, sun, and more.
To create your solar system, use the “Add” button at the top to add new planets. Change the characteristics of each planet by using the buttons below the solar system model. You can select color, size, speed, orbit tilt, and whether the planet has rings or not. You can add moons to the planets by selecting the planet and clicking “Center Planet” on the bottom right. Exit and return to the solar system by clicking “Center Sun.” Delete a single planet using the “Delete” button. Erase the entire solar system model using the trash can button at the top. To see the solar system in action, press the “Play” button at the top. Return to creator mode by pressing “Stop.”
From recreating our own solar system to inventing a new one, there are many opportunities for students to explore and learn.
Visit libraryforkids.com to learn more about our solar system.