
This online scale helps students explore various math and science topics including addition, fulcrums, levers, equivalency, and weight.
To use the online balance scale, drag numbers to either side of the scale. Select “Random” to add some random numbers to the scale. Move the fulcrum to see how that changes the balance and to explore how levers work. Select “Center” to move the fulcrum back to the center.
Some activities you may try with your students include:
- Ask students to place a number on one side of the scale. Then, challenge students to balance the scale by placing one or more numbers on the other side.
- Challenge students to balance the scales without using the same number twice.
- Ask students to show heavier and lighter on the scale.
- Ask students to balance the scale. Then, ask them to move the fulcrum to the right or the left and explain the outcome.
- Provide students with an addition problem to use on one side of the scale (ie: 3 + 5 + 7). Challenge them to balance the scale without repeating any numbers.
Visit for more information about levers and simple machines.