Place Value Mat

Place Value Mat
This virtual manipulative place value mat is useful for helping students model place values in the ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands places. The interactive place value mat helps students visualize base ten math concepts.
To use the mat, simply drag 1s, 10s, 100s, or 1000s, from the left-hand side onto the chart. For example, to show the number 1,350, students would need to put a thousand piece, 3 hundred pieces, 5 ten pieces, and 0 one pieces onto the mat. As numbers are dragged and placed in the color-coded column representing their place value, the full number is calculated below the mat in standard and word form.
Students can use the interactive place value mat to deepen their understanding of place value and perform addition or subtraction problems. One way students can test their understanding of place value is by modeling numbers on the mat. They can check their work by comparing the standard form to the written number they had intended to model.
Visit for more information and printables about place value.