Two Color Counter Five Frame

Two Color Counter Five Frame
This interactive online five frame is helpful for modeling simple addition and subtraction problems, building number sense, and solidifying knowledge about the combinations of numbers that equal 5.
To use the online five frame, simply click and drag the counters onto the frame. To remove counters, click and drag them off the frame or use the trash can button to clear the frame. Use the pencil to write in numbers or circle several counters. Click the eraser tool to erase pencil markings.
Display counters on the five frame and then ask students to tell you how many counters are on the frame. Or, display counters of different colors and then ask students to come up with the corresponding equation (for example, 2 + 3 = 5). Another exercise would be to display a few counters on the frame and then ask students how many more counters are missing to make 5. You can also model subtraction in this way.
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