Random Domino

Random Domino
This online random domino generator produces an domino with random sets of dots (or pips). Click the number in the right-hand corner to choose the highest number that will appear on the domino. Click new to produce a new random domino.
Practice subitizing – looking at a group of items and quickly and correctly judge how many of them there are.
A random domino can be turned into a math game, a lesson opener, or a brain teaser. After displaying the random domino to your class, you might ask them to:
- Add or subtract the numbers on the domino
- Multiply or divide the numbers on the domino
- Say whether the generated numbers are even or odd
- Draw the domino in their notebook
- Draw a domino that could be played beside that domino
- And much more!
Drawing tools below the domino make it easy to work out related problems with the whole class in real-time. Use the pencil symbol to draw, circle, or make an arrow. Use the eraser to erase. The trash can symbol eliminates any changes you’ve made.
Visit classplayground.com for more information about subitizing .