Play Money United Kingdom

Play Money United Kingdom
Are you looking for virtual play money from the United Kingdom? This is the solution you need! No torn-up bills or lost coins under the supply closet. With virtual money, children can still practice modeling pounds and pence without making a mess. Plus, using the virtual United Kingdom play money is fun and easy to access on any device.
This set of virtual United Kingdom money is perfect for identifying coin and bill values. Each coin and bill is similar in shape and color to real-life coins. Are you ready to get started? Simply drag as many coins or bills onto the grid as you’d like. Show the total value or display an equation using the numbers and symbols. To remove money or numbers from the grid, simply click and drag them off.
With the virtual United Kingdom money, you can enjoy the following activities with your students:
- Display items at a “store.” Put a price on each item. When students choose one or more items to buy, ask them to “pay” by displaying the correct amount of money on the grid.
- Ask students to model money word problems using virtual money.
- Challenge students to form a quantity such as 10.50 £ in at least 3 different ways.
Visit for more resources and printables related to money.