Coins United States

Coins United States
How much is a dime worth? Or how about a nickel? Learning the value of US coins is an exciting activity that is also an important math lesson. Through activities with coins, students can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and more!
These virtual United States coins help students learn to identify coins and their value. The virtual coins are similar in size and color to real coins, helping students make real-world connections. To use them, simply drag coins into the working area. Then, add numbers to show equations and values. Use the pencil tool to write notes and the eraser for erasing pencil marks. The trashcan tool clears the canvas.
Here are a few activities to try:
- Challenge students to form $1 as many ways as they can using the coins.
- Give students word problems to solve using the virtual coins to model.
- Ask students to imagine they have a certain amount of coins to spend. For example $3. Then, ask them to see how many items from a grocery list with prices they could purchase. Encourage students to use the coins to model their money.
Once students have mastered working with American coins, try having students work with our virtual United States Play Money. Or, invite students to explore our virtual coin jar.
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