Coin Bank

Coin Bank
How much do you get when you add a 50-cent coin and two 25-cent coins? Find out with our virtual coin bank. This online money game helps students build an understanding of the value of coins. The best part is that these coins will never fall noisily to the floor or disappear under desks.
Add coins to the bank by dragging and dropping them into the bank. The bank will automatically add up the online play coins. Show the sum of the coins using the currency of your choice. Press the dollar button, euro button, or pound sterling to show the sum of the coins in the respective currency. Clear the coin bank using the trash can button in the upper left-hand corner.
Use the online coin bank to learn about currencies, coin values, addition, and subtraction. Here are some activities to try:
- Ask students to add one dollar worth of coins to the bank. Then, have students change the currency to see how one dollar looks in each currency.
- Another activity is to add a few coins to the coin bank. Then, ask students to add enough coins to make $1, $2, or another amount.
- Put the prices of different products or foods on the board. Ask students to “pay” for each product with the correct coins.
Visit for more money activities and printables.