Word Family Tiles

Word Family Tiles
Jack had a sack on his back. How many words in that sentence are part of the -ack word family? If you answered “3”, you’re right!”
This word family tile set brings reading and writing to life. Here’s how to try it! Click and drag word family endings onto the grid. Add letters to complete words. You can also click and drag word family endings and letters off the grid to remove them. Write, circle, and draw using the pencil tool. The eraser tool erases. Clear the grid using the trashcan tool.
With the virtual word family tiles tool, you can encourage students to practice writing word family groups. For example, challenge students to write words using one of the word family endings like “ick.”
Or, ask students how many words they can write starting with the same letter. Tell students they can use as many word family endings as they’d like.
Then, encourage students to copy the words they’ve written into their notebooks and have them write sentences, poems, or stories with the words.
When students are learning to read and write, it’s important to keep students interested and engaged. This fun virtual manipulative supports beginning readers while also providing the chance for students to actively participate in writing new words. How many words can your students write?
Visit classplayground.com for more word family activities and printables.