
Do you need a quick way to have students practice writing words or numbers? Or perhaps you want to display text easily to new readers using different colors for different letters. Our free interactive online magnet board brings all the benefits of a set of magnet letters and numbers without the hassle: they never get lost and the magnets never wear out.
Choose uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and/or accents by selecting the buttons below the letters. Then, click and drag the letters onto the whiteboard space. To select the letter color, use the dropdown menu by clicking on the blue circle. Choose the size by clicking on the black circle. Use the trash can symbol to clear the board.
Here are a few ways you might use the white board:
- Write words for your early readers to read using different colored letters for vowels and consonants.
- Say a word and ask students to write it using the magnet letters
- Show students a picture and ask them to spell the object using the magnet letters
- Display a lowercase or uppercase letter and then ask students to identify the matching lowercase or uppercase letter
- Perform simple math operations
- Make a list of words that belong in a word family. Have students take turns adding words to the list.
Visit to learn more about word families and to discover other literacy activities.