Science Manipulatives » Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play Educational Games • Featuring math, art, spelling, puzzles, and more. Master skills and explore creativity. | Elementary Grades Fri, 06 Oct 2023 16:05:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Science Manipulatives » Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play 32 32 Ruler Inch Mon, 17 Apr 2023 15:14:59 +0000 Ruler Inch What would a three-inch pencil look like?? You can find out when you use this virtual inch ruler. Simply draw a pencil and find out! Or, measure your own drawings of flowers, insects, mice, and more! To use the ruler, simply click and drag the arrow on the right side of the ruler. […]

The post Ruler Inch appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.

Ruler Inch

What would a three-inch pencil look like?? You can find out when you use this virtual inch ruler. Simply draw a pencil and find out! Or, measure your own drawings of flowers, insects, mice, and more!

To use the ruler, simply click and drag the arrow on the right side of the ruler. You can measure to the half-inch, quarter-inch, eighth-inch, or sixteenth-inch by using the buttons in the upper-left corner. As you drag the arrow, the measurement will show above the ruler. Toggle this feature on or off with the “Inch ON/OFF” button. Simplify fractions or have them show unsimplified by tapping the “Simplify fractions ON/OFF” button. Draw and erase objects to measure with the pencil and eraser buttons.

Students at all grade levels can learn with the virtual inch ruler. Advanced students can practice measuring to the nearest sixteenth and simplifying fractions. Younger students can measure to the nearest half-inch. Here are some activities to try with the inch ruler:

  • Ask students to draw a worm, insect, or snake starting at the left side of the ruler. Then, have students measure how long their animal is.
  • Ask students to measure objects they draw exactly and round to the nearest half-inch and quarter-inch using the ruler functions.
  • Have students toggle the “Inch ON/OFF” button to check their work. First, have them turn it off. Then, ask students to draw an object to measure. Then, ask them to write down their answers. Finally, ask students to toggle the function ON so they can check their work.

Would you like more practice measuring? Try this game. Or, try out the centimeter ruler.

Visit for similar math activities and printables.

The post Ruler Inch appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.

Ruler Centimeter Mon, 17 Apr 2023 15:14:52 +0000 Ruler Centimeter How long is a centimeter? Can you draw a ladybug that’s two centimeters long? Practice measurements with this fun and engaging virtual centimeter ruler. Use the online centimeter ruler to measure lines, drawings, and more! Measure to the millimeter by tapping the “Milli” button. Measure to the centimeter by tapping the “Centi” button. […]

The post Ruler Centimeter appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.

Ruler Centimeter

How long is a centimeter? Can you draw a ladybug that’s two centimeters long? Practice measurements with this fun and engaging virtual centimeter ruler.

Use the online centimeter ruler to measure lines, drawings, and more! Measure to the millimeter by tapping the “Milli” button. Measure to the centimeter by tapping the “Centi” button. Move the arrow on the right side of the ruler to measure an object. The correct measurement will show on the screen. Toggle the measurement on and off by pressing the “Centimeter ON/OFF” button. Draw lines or objects by tapping the pencil button and then drawing on the screen. Use the eraser and trash can tools to erase your drawings.

How can you use the virtual centimeter ruler tool? Here are a few activities to try:

  • Ask students to show a certain measurement, such as 3 cm or 7 cm, on the ruler by moving the arrow.
  • Ask students to draw an object that’s a certain measurement. For example, ask them to draw a rectangle that’s 4 cm long.
  • Have students work with a partner. Ask one of the students to draw an object that the other has to measure.

Would you like more practice measuring? Try this game. Or, try out the inch ruler.

Visit for similar math activities and printables.

The post Ruler Centimeter appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.

Scale Tue, 06 Apr 2021 19:28:59 +0000 Scale This online scale helps students explore various math and science topics including addition, fulcrums, levers, equivalency, and weight.  To use the online balance scale, drag numbers to either side of the scale. Select “Random” to add some random numbers to the scale. Move the fulcrum to see how that changes the balance and to […]

The post Scale appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.


This online scale helps students explore various math and science topics including addition, fulcrums, levers, equivalency, and weight. 

To use the online balance scale, drag numbers to either side of the scale. Select “Random” to add some random numbers to the scale. Move the fulcrum to see how that changes the balance and to explore how levers work. Select “Center” to move the fulcrum back to the center.

Some activities you may try with your students include:

  • Ask students to place a number on one side of the scale. Then, challenge students to balance the scale by placing one or more numbers on the other side.
  • Challenge students to balance the scales without using the same number twice.
  • Ask students to show heavier and lighter on the scale.
  • Ask students to balance the scale. Then, ask them to move the fulcrum to the right or the left and explain the outcome.
  • Provide students with an addition problem to use on one side of the scale (ie: 3 + 5 + 7). Challenge them to balance the scale without repeating any numbers.

Visit for more information about levers and simple machines.

The post Scale appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.

Orbit Tue, 16 Feb 2021 15:02:19 +0000 Orbit Have you ever dreamed of creating your own solar system? Now, you can! This interactive online solar system creator allows you to dream up planets, moons, sun, and more. To create your solar system, use the “Add” button at the top to add new planets. Change the characteristics of each planet by using the […]

The post Orbit appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.


Have you ever dreamed of creating your own solar system? Now, you can! This interactive online solar system creator allows you to dream up planets, moons, sun, and more.

To create your solar system, use the “Add” button at the top to add new planets. Change the characteristics of each planet by using the buttons below the solar system model. You can select color, size, speed, orbit tilt, and whether the planet has rings or not. You can add moons to the planets by selecting the planet and clicking “Center Planet” on the bottom right. Exit and return to the solar system by clicking “Center Sun.” Delete a single planet using the “Delete” button. Erase the entire solar system model using the trash can button at the top. To see the solar system in action, press the “Play” button at the top. Return to creator mode by pressing “Stop.”

From recreating our own solar system to inventing a new one, there are many opportunities for students to explore and learn.

Visit to learn more about our solar system.

The post Orbit appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.

Thermometer Fri, 09 Nov 2018 15:33:03 +0000 Thermometer Is it hot? Is it cold? Show the temperature on the thermometer! Using this interactive thermometer with your students won’t raise your blood pressure. There’s no glass at all! Students can simply drag the ball up and down and watch the temperature rise and fall. The virtual thermometer shows both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Additionally, […]

The post Thermometer appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.


Is it hot? Is it cold? Show the temperature on the thermometer!

Using this interactive thermometer with your students won’t raise your blood pressure. There’s no glass at all! Students can simply drag the ball up and down and watch the temperature rise and fall. The virtual thermometer shows both Celsius and Fahrenheit. Additionally, students can see the equations that show how to calculate Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit. 

How can you use the interactive thermometer for kids in class? Here are a few ideas:

  • Ask students to show certain temperatures on the thermometer. 
  • Ask students to convert one temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa.
  • Ask students to research the melting or freezing temperatures of certain materials and show them on the thermometer.
  • Ask students to show the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures.

Visit for activities and printables on fractions which is useful for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.

The post Thermometer appeared first on Toy Theater | Learn • Create • Play.
