Multiplication Flash Cards

Multiplication Flash cards
Do your students need to practice their multiplication skills? Flash cards are a great way to help students gain fluency.
To play, choose whether to practice the multiplication tables from 1-9, or only for one number. Also, choose from the support models group, array or none. The group and array options will provide a visual that children can use to count the answer. For traditional flashcards with no visual aids, choose the number option. Press start and you will then have to select the correct answer for each flashcard from five options. Be sure to keep track of your score at the top of the screen.
When students are confident with the multiplication tables, they can perform multiple digit multiplication problems and focus on analyzing complex word problems. Plus, multiplication is an essential skill to be able to learn division. Have students practice with the flash cards individually. Add a competitive edge to it by having students share their scores.
These online multiplication flash cards are also great for presenting multiplication to the whole class! Simply choose the group or array option to offer a model for each problem.
Visit for more printables and games related to multiplication and multiplication charts.